Monday, January 09, 2006

Nudity Invalidated

So it seems that nudity during intercourse automatically annuls a marriage between two people. Have you ever heard of anything more bizarre?

The SMH has posted a brief article reporting on an Egyptian cleric's comments regarding consummation of a marriage. It's amusing to see that it became a televised debate and front page news seeing as it is an Islamic, and therefore religious claim.

I took the liberty of looking it up via Google and found some interesting articles commenting on the role of sex in marriage and the religion of Islam itself. Islam Online states that 'Islam considers sex as one of the essential human needs that must be properly satisfied' and 'Islam does not treat it as a distasteful, filthy, or heinous act of man', which is interesting to note considering the social view that women are subjected to oppressive sexual and gender-defined measures by the Islamic religion. It also comments on the idea of marriage and its necessity in a fulfilling life.

's articles on this topic run on a similar line to the above, where Sexuality in Islam, it seems follows a similar belief system to Christianity. Although, interestingly, this article states that Islam apparently sees the issue of abortion as eligible only if it is done within the first three months of conception.

The Muslim
Women's League offers their own extensive perspective on sexuality in Islam, thereby showing that this issue clearly has a place in both genders. This article isn't bias in its opinion on sex in marriage and follows the same argument that 'sexual relations assume a prominent role in the overall well-being of the marriage'. It appears that adultery is a condemnation in Islam as it is in a majority of religions. The issue of abortion is discussed in modern perspectives, where abortion is accepted in the case of incest or rape. Contraception is not condemned, but is limited to the socially unreliable withdrawal method and the husband's consent in the use of contraception pills and condoms. This article also discusses the issues of puberty and growth in addition to the usual ideas concerning this topic. A more basic version of this essay can be found at ZAWAJ.Com.

Its a very interesting topic, and one that opens up a variety of other issues - the main one being religion and its stance toward sexuality. And considering the social controversy over Islam, its bound to stir some opinions on a number of fronts. Personally, I think its rather odd if you're not naked (that was the main topic lol) during sex.


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